Companies That Deny Climate Change: The Shocking List Revealed!


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Some of the most popular companies denying climate change are Shell, American Traditional Institute and Junkscience.

What is Climate Change?

Climate change isn’t just a buzzword or a political issue; it’s a measurable, observable reality that we are forced to deal with. 

Supported by a vast array of scientific data, the concept of climate change refers to long-term alterations in global or regional climate patterns. 

These shifts bring about a host of environmental problems, such as extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and devastating loss of wildlife habitat. 

Why Should We Care?

 Deny Climate Change

Simply put, the survival of future generations is at stake. Even now, we’re witnessing the dire consequences of climate change through a disturbing uptick in extreme weather events, from wildfires tearing through Australia’s landscapes to unprecedented flooding events worldwide. 

Ignorance is no longer a luxury we can afford, and awareness is the first step toward corrective action.

However, it’s astounding that companies still exist that not only fail to take action but actively deny the problem altogether. 

These companies pride themselves as companies denying climate change, and to make matters worse,  It is a denial that stems not from a lack of information but often from an agenda to protect short-term profits at the expense of long-term sustainability.

What Is The Purpose Of This Article?

Through this article, we’ll delve into the companies that perpetuate this dangerous narrative. We’ll investigate their reasons for denying what is understood to be factual, explore the industry’s rift with climate change denial, and examine the consequences of such a stance.

Why Companies Deny Climate Change

1. Financial Incentives

The crux of the issue often lies in financial motivations. Companies, particularly those in industries like fossil fuels, manufacturing, and agriculture, can find it costly to adapt to sustainable practices. 

Most companies denying climate change are those with extremely huge profit margins who would not want a dent in their revenue. 

After all, transforming operational models, adopting cleaner technologies, and complying with environmental regulations require hefty investments. 

Many companies weigh these against their short-term gains and decide that denial is a more financially viable strategy. This often involves lobbying against climate policies and even funding campaigns to promote climate skepticism.

Interestingly, the pressure to deny climate change doesn’t solely come from within the company but can also be from shareholders seeking to maximize their short-term profits. 

Therefore, denial becomes a strategy to meet shareholder expectations at the cost of long-term sustainability.

2. Public Perception

Public opinion plays a crucial role in shaping policy. Some companies do this by disseminating misinformation through various channels, including social media platforms and even educational materials. 

They fund research that counters the scientific consensus on climate change or promote stories that highlight uncertainties in climate science. 

The intent is to create a public narrative of doubt that can slow down or even prevent meaningful action on climate change. 

It’s also worth noting that media outlets sometimes inadvertently become accomplices in this. By giving equal weight to scientifically unsupported viewpoints in the name of balanced reporting, they contribute to the illusion of a debate where there shouldn’t be one.

3. Regulatory Evasion

Companies denying climate change often have another goal: avoiding the regulatory implications that come with acknowledgement. 

Environmental laws can be expensive to comply with; hence, denying the science behind climate change provides these companies with a loophole, allowing them to continue their unsustainable practices without legal repercussions. 

Corporate lobbying is another tool frequently used. Firms invest in political lobbying to influence policymakers directly, advocating for more lenient regulations or for exceptions to be made for their industry. 

This underhanded method allows them to continue operations as usual without making any meaningful changes.

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4. The Domino Effect: Setting a Dangerous Precedent

When one company, especially an industry leader, denies climate change, it can create a ripple effect. Smaller companies may see this as an invitation to do the same, assuming the stance of an industry giant gives them some form of protection. 

Even stakeholders and consumers may become less motivated to demand change, thinking that if a major player in the industry denies it, the issue might not be as critical as it seems.

Industries Most Notorious for Climate Change Denial

Fossil Fuel Industry

When it comes to companies denying climate change, the fossil fuel industry often takes center stage. For decades, companies in this sector have actively sought to undermine scientific consensus and fund research that questions the impact of fossil fuels on the environment. 

From oil giants to coal companies, many have poured millions into lobbying efforts to stall climate regulations and promote a “business as usual” scenario. 

Their clout is so significant that they can even sway political decisions at the highest levels. 

The industry employs a variety of tactics to spread doubt about climate change. This includes funding “think tanks” that produce pseudo-scientific reports, influencing educational curricula to omit or downplay climate science, and even creating grassroots organizations that appear to be citizen-led but are corporate-funded efforts to oppose climate.

Automotive Industry

The automotive sector, particularly companies that primarily produce gasoline-powered vehicles, also contributes to climate change denial. 

They often propagate the idea that individual actions like carpooling or energy conservation at home can substitute for systemic change, thereby shifting the blame from corporations to consumers.

It’s also common to see these companies involved in “greenwashing” tactics where they tout eco-friendly initiatives that are negligible compared to their overall environmental impact. 

They may advertise hybrid models or future sustainability plans while lobbying against stricter emissions standards.

Agriculture and Livestock

The agriculture and livestock sectors, which contribute significantly to methane emissions, often downplay their impact on climate change. 

While they may not be as vocal as fossil fuel companies, their role in climate denial often manifests through trade associations that lobby for lenient regulations and policies favoring unsustainable agricultural practices.

It’s important to note that these industries also contribute to deforestation, another significant driver of climate change. By promoting land-use practices that prioritize short-term gains over sustainability, they exacerbate the problem on multiple fronts.

Textile and Fast Fashion

The textile industry, particularly the fast fashion sector, has also been implicated in climate change denial. 

Though the environmental impact of this industry is less direct, it contributes to pollution through waste and unsustainable manufacturing practices. 

The fast fashion business model depends on rapid production cycles and cheap materials, often leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions.

Like the automotive sector, this industry often shifts the focus towards consumer responsibility. 

By promoting recycling and “conscious” collections, they aim to portray themselves as part of the solution rather than the problem, thus obfuscating their contributions to climate change. 

In-Depth Look Into Companies Involved

Climate Depot

Marc Morano, once a political aide to the Republican party, has evolved into a leading figure in the media sphere who openly challenges the prevailing scientific perspectives on climate change. 

As the originator and chief editor of Climate Depot, his platform regularly features articles that cast doubt on both the existence and intensity of global climate shifts.

The man is very popular for his amazing ability to spin stories, shift focus, and attend multiple controversial TV appearances. 

During these appearances, he is often found in fiery exchanges with climate researchers and proponents, effectively employing a combative style and distilling complicated subjects into easily digestible points. 

Although Morano lacks formal education in the scientific disciplines, which should be a red flag to anyone who decides to listen to him, he has carved out a substantial role for himself in shaping public perception on matters related to climate change. 

He reaches an expansive audience through his digital platform and frequent media outings, disseminating views that question established scientific thought and sow seeds of skepticism regarding climate change consensus.

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American Tradition Institute

Primarily owned by Christopher Horner, this is one of the most problematic companies denying climate change. 

The Christopher in question is a legal practitioner and published author who has devoted much of his professional life to scrutinizing the widely accepted scientific viewpoints on climate change. 

He has collaborated with multiple conservative-leaning research organizations, such as the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).

Leveraging his legal acumen, Horner has embarked on a quest to contest climate science and its corresponding policies. 

To this end, he has initiated a multitude of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filings to secure the correspondence of researchers specializing in climate science, aiming to expose any malpractice or coordinated deceptions. 

Critics argue that such maneuvers pester the scientific community and detract from meaningful research by reallocating resources.

Beyond his legal undertakings, Horner is also a prolific writer, having penned various books that challenge the credibility of climate science and scrutinize ecological regulations. 

His contributions have played a pivotal role in framing the debate on climate change, especially in conservative intellectual circles.

Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)

Myron Ebell is a prominent figure in the realm of climate skepticism, and he has had a considerable impact on the direction of American climate policy. 

Serving as the director for the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a right-leaning think tank, Ebell has been a critical player in advancing views that counter the prevailing scientific opinion on climate change.

Throughout his career, Ebell has consistently questioned the mainstream scientific views concerning climate change. 

He argues that the prevailing understanding of climate change is predicated on inaccurate data and unreliable predictive models. 

Moreover, Ebell is an outspoken critic of various environmental regulations, contending that they are detrimental to economic growth and infringe upon personal liberties.

In a move that further elevated his influence in shaping U.S. environmental policies, Ebell was chosen to oversee the transition of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) following the electoral victory of President Donald Trump. 

This role provided him with a considerable platform to influence American policy on environmental issues, including those pertaining to climate change.


JunkScience is one of the forerunner companies denying climate change, and no other person is dedicated to the JunkScience cause than Steve Miloy. 

Steve Milloy has dedicated much of his career to questioning widely accepted scientific viewpoints on various health and ecological matters, notably global warming.

Milloy’s skepticism regarding climate science centers on questioning the dependability of climate simulation models and the legitimacy of the data that underscores the general agreement about climate change. 

He further contends that policy measures aimed at environmental protection, which are informed by such scientific consensus, are unwarranted and detrimental to economic prosperity.

Even though Milloy doesn’t possess formal academic credentials in the field of climate science, like almost every theorist on this list, his perspectives have found a broad audience through his digital platform and frequent appearances in the media. 

His role in the climate skepticism movement has been notably impactful, particularly in how he has influenced public sentiment and dialogues on climate change. 

Personally, most of his views are dramatic and would benefit from multi-stage validations.

Cato Institute

Patrick Michaels is a renowned figure within the realm of climatology, recognised for his distinctive stance that challenges the prevailing consensus on climate change. 

He has occupied prominent positions at various conservative think tanks, most notably the Cato Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. 

His extensive work includes many articles and books that provide a counter-narrative to the widely accepted scientific understanding of climate change.

A recurring theme in his discourse revolves around the oft-neglected aspects of a warmer climate. He posits that such conditions can bring benefits, such as heightened agricultural productivity, frequently underappreciated in mainstream climate discussions.

It is worth noting that Patrick Michaels’ perspectives on climate change diverge significantly from the consensus views held within the scientific community. 

Nonetheless, his standing as a climatologist lends credibility to his viewpoints, rendering them compelling and persuasive to certain population segments. 

This influence has played a pivotal role in shaping the broader discourse surrounding climate change, with Michaels’ arguments serving as a prominent counterpoint to the prevailing scientific understanding. 

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If we were considering sensible climate theorists, then Patrick meets all those requirements efficiently. 

Copenhagen Consensus Center

Created by Bjørn Lomborg, a Danish political scientist, this centre is very popular among the companies denying climate change. 

This centre is also directly involved with multiple far-right politicians who use climate conspiracies to further election issues. 

Lomborg veers from the mainstream by asserting that the costs of climate mitigation strategies outweigh the potential benefits. Instead, he posits that global resources could be more judiciously allocated to address other pressing global issues.

Lomborg’s perspectives have reached a wide audience through his literary works, including “The Skeptical Environmentalist” and “Cool It”. 

His arguments have had a considerable impact on public perceptions and policy discussions concerning climate change, particularly with regard to prioritizing other global challenges over climate-related actions.

Despite the resonance of Lomborg’s ideas, they have not been immune to criticism from climate scientists and economists. 

Detractors contend that his cost-benefit analyses regarding climate initiatives exhibit flaws and fail to adequately account for the risks and consequences associated with climate change.

Science and Environmental Policy Project

Fred Singer is a renowned physicist who has emerged as a prominent figure within the climate skepticism movement. 

He is widely recognised as the founding figure behind the Science and Environmental Policy Project, an influential think tank that has played a pivotal role in advocating for climate skepticism.

Dr. Singer’s intellectual pursuits have consistently revolved around questioning the prevailing scientific consensus on climate change. 

Central to his arguments is the contention that flawed models and questionable data mar the foundation of climate science. 

Notably, despite Dr. Singer’s credentials as a physicist, his perspectives on climate change deviate considerably from the mainstream scientific understanding. 

Nevertheless, his impact on the climate skepticism movement has been profound, particularly in terms of influencing public opinion and steering the discourse surrounding the complex issue of climate change.


Shell, a multinational energy company, has faced scrutiny for its stance on climate change. While Shell acknowledges the reality of climate change and has committed to reducing its carbon footprint, critics argue that the company has been slow to take meaningful action.

One key point of contention is Shell’s continued investment in fossil fuels, particularly oil and gas. Critics argue that these investments counter the urgent need to transition from fossil fuels to mitigate climate change. 

Despite some investments in renewable energy, Shell’s core business remains heavily reliant on hydrocarbons.

Another source of concern is Shell’s involvement in lobbying efforts against climate policies. Some environmental groups and activists accuse the company of actively working to undermine climate regulations and policies that could limit carbon emissions.

While Shell has set targets to reduce its emissions and increase its focus on clean energy, scepticism persists about the sincerity of these commitments. Critics argue that the company’s actions do not align with the urgency of the climate crisis.


In summary, most companies denying climate change do that for reasons like financial gains and skipping regulatory practices that they would be forced to obey. 

Most of these denials are done by outright refusal to accept facts, or the more common option is to use lobbyists and media propaganda.

It is worth noting that whether we believe climate change or not, the effects are still raging wild and will eventually consume us all.

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