Eco Finance & Business

Climate Change Impact On Global Economy: What Experts Are Saying!


Climate change’s impact on the global economy has reverberated across several sectors such as business, technology, tourism, etc. Climate change’s ...

Is Amazon an Ethical Company? Inside The Great Debate!


Whether Amazon is an ethical company is a matter of debate and opinion.  Amazon is a multinational technology and e-commerce ...

Green Initiatives by Companies: Leading the Charge in Corporate Responsibility!


Some of the best green company initiatives include the carbon offset by travel brands like AirDelta, and the increased recycling ...

Ethical Investment Options: How To Make Money While Doing Good


Some best ethical investment options include ESG, SRI, and Community Impact Investments. In a world where every investment decision has ...

Ethical Brands to Support in 2024: Make A Difference With Your Dollar!


Some of the best ethical brands to support in 2024 include Patagonia, Tesla, Green Glow, etc. In a world where ...

Eco-Friendly Fashion Trends: The Must-Follow Styles of 2024!


Some of the most eco-friendly fashion trends include Vintage Clothes, Sharing and Borrowing Clothes, and Fashion to order, among others. ...

The Top 19 Sustainable Footwear Brands for the Conscious Shopper


Reviewed by Godfrey Ogbo Allbirds, Ables, Reformation, and Toms are some of the best Sustainable Footwear Brands. Shoes are undoubtedly ...

Discover The Sustainable Farming Practices Revolutionizing Agriculture


Reviewed by Godfrey Ogbo Sustainable agricultural practices that are being revolutionized are crop rotation, organic farming, agroforestry, etc. Picture a ...

21 Sustainable Jewelry Brands Every Fashionista Should Know


Reviewed by Godfrey Ogbo Akola, Mejuri, Beabond, SOKO, and Loveless Lee are some of the sustainable jewelry brands every Fashionista ...

21 Eco-friendly Packaging Solutions Revolutionizing the Business World


Reviewed by Godfrey Ogbo Some eco-friendly packaging solutions making an impact in the business world are biodegradable plastics, compostable packaging, ...

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