389 Adjectives Starting with T (Positive Words and Others


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Triumphant, transformative, and tantalizing – the letter T, standing tall in the heart of the alphabet, ushers in a splendid tapestry of remarkably positive and influential adjectives. 

T breathes life into our lexicon with its innate tenacity, casting the adjectives it commences with a resplendent glow and an unmistakable touch of transcendence. Therefore, we simply must inquire: What bevy of uplifting and impactful adjectives takes flight with the letter T?

389 Adjectives Starting with T

#AdjectivesDescription (with synonyms)Example Sentence
1TactfulDiplomatic, considerate, and sensitive in dealing with others.“Her tactful approach to resolving conflicts made her a valued team member.”
2TalentedPossessing exceptional skills or abilities in a particular area.“The talented musician performed a breathtaking piano concerto.”
3TenaciousDetermined, persistent, and unwilling to give up easily.“Her tenacious spirit helped her overcome numerous challenges and achieve her goals.”
4ThrivingFlourishing and experiencing growth and success.“The thriving business expanded its operations to new markets.”
5TranquilCalm, peaceful, and free from disturbance.“The tranquil garden provided a serene escape from the bustling city.”
6TrustworthyReliable, dependable, and deserving of trust and confidence.“He is known for his trustworthy nature and integrity in all his dealings.”
7ThriftyEconomical and careful with money and resources.“Her thrifty habits allowed her to save a significant amount of money over the years.”
8Tender-heartedCompassionate, kind, and easily moved by emotions.“The tender-hearted nurse provided comfort and care to her patients.”
9TriumphantVictorious, successful, and achieving a great victory.“The team felt triumphant after winning the championship game.”
10TranscendentGoing beyond ordinary limits, surpassing excellence.“The artist’s work was transcendent, leaving a profound impact on viewers.”
11TimelessEternal and not affected by the passage of time.“Classic literature often possesses a timeless quality that resonates with readers for generations.”
12Thought-provokingStimulating deep thoughts and contemplation.“The thought-provoking documentary challenged viewers to reconsider their beliefs.”
13TolerantAccepting and open-minded towards differing beliefs and opinions.“A tolerant society values diversity and respects individual perspectives.”
14TerrificExtremely good or excellent, inspiring admiration.“The performance received a terrific response from the audience.”
15Technologically-savvyKnowledgeable and skilled in using technology effectively.“The technologically-savvy team quickly adapted to the new software and improved productivity.”
389 Adjectives Starting with T
16ThrillingExciting, exhilarating, and causing intense excitement.“The thrilling roller coaster ride left everyone screaming with joy.”
17TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden agendas.“The company’s transparent policies earned the trust of its customers.”
18TransientTemporary, lasting for a short time, and fleeting.“The beauty of the sunrise was transient, fading as the day went on.”
19TrustingInclined to believe and have confidence in others.“Her trusting nature made her susceptible to deception at times.”
20TenderGentle, affectionate, and showing care and warmth.“The tender touch of a mother comforting her child is heartwarming.”
21TirelessUnwavering and persistent in efforts, not easily fatigued.“His tireless dedication to the project led to its successful completion.”
22Time-savingEfficient and designed to save time.“The time-saving technology streamlined the manufacturing process.”
23TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The impact of their charitable work was tangible in the community.”
24TriangularHaving three sides and three angles, forming a triangle.“The triangular-shaped park is a popular spot for picnics.”
25TreasuredValued highly and considered precious.
The watch was quite treasured
26Tenacious Determined, persistent, and unwilling to give up easily.“His tenacious pursuit of knowledge led to academic success.”
27TactileRelating to the sense of touch; tangible“The tactile experience of the soft fabric was delightful.”
28Translucent:Partially transparent, allowing light to pass through“The glass had a translucent quality that created a beautiful effect.”
29Tremendous: Extremely large, powerful, or impressiveThe project’s success was a tremendous achievement.”
30TempestuousCharacterized by strong and turbulent emotions or conflicts.“Their tempestuous relationship was filled with ups and downs.”
31Tumultuous:Marked by chaos, turbulence, or upheavalThe tumultuous storm caused extensive damage to the area.”
32ThoroughComplete, comprehensive, and detailed.“He conducted a thorough analysis of the data.”
33TransientTemporary and fleeting, not lasting for a long timeHappiness can be transient; it’s important to cherish it
34TantalizingAppealing and tempting, often arousing curiosity“The tantalizing aroma of the food made everyone hungry.”
35TrenchantSharp, incisive, and effective in expression or analysisThe professor’s trenchant critique challenged conventional wisdom.”
36TectonicRelating to the structure and movement of Earth’s crust.“The tectonic shifts beneath the ocean floor can cause earthquakes.”
37Tedious:Boring and monotonous, often causing weariness.“The tedious task of data entry took hours to complete.”
38Tenable:Capable of being defended or upheld, reasonable“His argument was tenable and supported by strong evidence.”
39TangentialSlightly related or diverging from the main topic“His tangential remarks made it difficult to stay focused.”
40TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden motives.“The company’s transparent policies built trust with customers.
41Tangy:: Having a sharp, zesty, or pungent taste or flavorThe tangy sauce added a burst of flavor to the dish.”
42Transept:The arm of a cross-shaped church or building.The grand cathedral featured a beautifully designed transept.”
43Tactical:Relating to strategies or actions for achieving specific goals“The tactical approach to the game led to a decisive victory.”
44TemperamentalProne to mood swings and emotional variability“Her temperamental nature made it challenging to predict her reactions.”
45TidalRelated to or affected by the regular rise and fall of tides. “The tidal energy project aimed to harness the power of ocean tides.”
46Teeming:Abundantly filled or swarming with activity or life“The bustling market was teeming with shoppers and vendors.”
47Transepidermal: Relating to the passage through the layers of the skin“The transepidermal delivery of medication proved effective.”
48TangiblePerceptible by touch; capable of being touched or felt“The sense of accomplishment was tangible as he held the trophy.”
49TranscendentGoing beyond ordinary limits, surpassing excellence.“The artist’s work was transcendent, leaving a profound impact on viewers.”
50TimelessEternal and not affected by the passage of time“Classic literature often possesses a timeless quality that resonates with readers for generations.”
51TacticalRelating to strategies and careful planning.“The tactical approach to the game led to a decisive victory.”
52TerracottaHaving a reddish-brown color like fired clay.“The terracotta pots in the garden added a warm and earthy touch.”
53ThunderousProducing a loud and powerful sound, like thunder.“The thunderous applause echoed through the concert hall.”
54TransatlanticCrossing or relating to the Atlantic Ocean.“The transatlantic flight took passengers from New York to London.”
55TempestuousCharacterized by strong and turbulent emotions or weather.“Their tempestuous relationship was marked by frequent arguments.”
56TurbulentChaotic, disorderly, and marked by unrest or disturbance.“The turbulent political climate led to protests and demonstrations.”
57TraceableCapable of being tracked or followed back to its source.“The missing package was traceable through its tracking number.”
58TactileRelating to the sense of touch or capable of being felt.“The tactile experience of soft velvet is luxurious and comforting.”
59TreacherousDeceptively dangerous or hazardous.“The treacherous mountain terrain required experienced climbers.”
60ThematicRelating to or centered around a particular theme or subject.“The thematic elements in the novel explored the human condition.”
61ThirstyEagerly desiring or craving something.“After the long hike, I felt thirsty for a cold drink.”
62TrenchantSharp, incisive, and effective in expression or analysis.“His trenchant critique of the government policies sparked debate.”
63Time-sensitiveRequiring immediate attention due to a specific deadline.“The time-sensitive project had to be completed by the end of the day.”
64TemperateMild, moderate, and characterized by balanced conditions.“The temperate climate in the region made it an ideal vacation spot.”
65TransgressiveViolating established norms or boundaries.“Her transgressive artwork challenged societal expectations.”
66TransformableCapable of being changed or converted into something else.“The empty room was transformable into a cozy home office.”
67TenableDefensible, justifiable, and capable of being supported.“His argument was tenable, supported by strong evidence.”
68TangentialOnly slightly related or diverging from the main topic.“The tangential discussion briefly touched on the subject of art.”
69TitanicImmense in size, strength, or importance.“The Titanic struggle for civil rights shaped a generation.”
70TantalizingExciting desire or curiosity but remaining out of reach.“The tantalizing aroma from the bakery drew people in off the street.”
71ThematicRelating to or centered around a particular theme or subject.“The thematic elements in the novel explored the human condition.”
72TimewornShowing signs of wear and age, often in a charming way.“The timeworn bookshop had a nostalgic charm that drew visitors.”
73TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The impact of their charitable work was tangible in the community.”
74TectonicRelated to the movement and forces of Earth’s crust.“The tectonic activity in the region resulted in frequent earthquakes.”
75TelepathicRelating to the transmission of thoughts or feelings without speaking.“In their close friendship, they often seemed telepathic, understanding each other’s thoughts.”
76TidalRelating to the rise and fall of the tides in the ocean.“The tidal patterns influenced the timing of the fishermen’s outings.”
77TumultuousCharacterized by chaos, turbulence, or upheaval.“Their tumultuous relationship was marked by frequent arguments.”
78TransgressiveViolating established norms or boundaries.“Her transgressive artwork challenged societal expectations.”
79TremendousExtremely large, powerful, or significant.“The tremendous impact of the discovery revolutionized the field of science.”
80TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden agendas.“The company’s transparent policies earned the trust of its customers.”
81TriangularHaving three sides and three angles, forming a triangle.“The triangular-shaped park is a popular spot for picnics.”
82Time-honoredRespected and upheld as a tradition for a long time.“The time-honored ceremony has been celebrated in our community for centuries.”
83TranquilCalm, peaceful, and free from disturbance.“The tranquil garden provided a serene escape from the bustling city.”
84TrustworthyReliable, dependable, and deserving of trust and confidence.“He is known for his trustworthy nature and integrity in all his dealings.”
85TriumphantVictorious, successful, and achieving a great victory.“The team felt triumphant after winning the championship game.”
86TranscendentGoing beyond ordinary limits, surpassing excellence.“The artist’s work was transcendent, leaving a profound impact on viewers.”
87TimelessEternal and not affected by the passage of time.“Classic literature often possesses a timeless quality that resonates with readers for generations.”
88Thought-provokingStimulating deep thoughts and contemplation.“The thought-provoking documentary challenged viewers to reconsider their beliefs.”
89TolerantAccepting and open-minded towards differing beliefs and opinions.“A tolerant society values diversity and respects individual perspectives.”
90TenebrousDark, shadowy, or obscure, often associated with mystery.“The tenebrous alleyway gave off an eerie vibe at night.”
91ThoroughComplete and comprehensive in examination or execution.“Her thorough research on the topic impressed the scholars.”
92TranseptRelating to the cross-shaped section of a church.“The transept of the cathedral featured stunning stained glass windows.”
93ThriftyEconomical and careful with money and resources.“Her thrifty habits allowed her to save a significant amount of money over the years.”
94TrenchantSharp, incisive, and effective in expression or analysis.“His trenchant critique of the government policies sparked debate.”
95Time-sensitiveRequiring immediate attention due to a specific deadline.“The time-sensitive project had to be completed by the end of the day.”
96TemperateMild, moderate, and characterized by balanced conditions.“The temperate climate in the region made it an ideal vacation spot.”
97TransitoryBrief and passing, not permanent.“The transitory nature of youth should be cherished.”
98TotemicRelating to a symbol or emblem representing a group or culture.“The totemic animal held special significance in their tribal traditions.”
99TidalRelated to the rise and fall of the tides in the ocean.“The tidal patterns influenced the beach
100TacticalRelating to strategies and careful planning.“The tactical approach to the game led to a decisive victory.”
101TangentialOnly slightly related or diverging from the main topic.“The tangential discussion briefly touched on the subject of art.”
102TeemingAbundantly filled or swarming with activity.“The bustling marketplace was teeming with shoppers and vendors.”
103TemperamentalProne to sudden changes in mood or behavior.“His temperamental nature made it challenging to predict his reactions.”
104TenebrousDark, shadowy, or obscure, often associated with mystery.“The tenebrous alleyway gave off an eerie vibe at night.”
105TerracottaHaving a reddish-brown color like fired clay.“The terracotta pots in the garden added a warm and earthy touch.”
106TerritorialRelated to a specific territory or region.“The territorial disputes between neighboring countries often lead to tension.”
107ThematicRelating to or centered around a particular theme or subject.“The thematic elements in the novel explored the human condition.”
108Thought-provokingStimulating deep thoughts and contemplation.“The thought-provoking documentary challenged viewers to reconsider their beliefs.”
109ThriftyEconomical and careful with money and resources.“Her thrifty habits allowed her to save a significant amount of money over the years.”
110ThunderousProducing a loud and powerful sound, like thunder.“The thunderous applause echoed through the concert hall.”
111Time-honoredRespected and upheld as a tradition for a long time.“The time-honored ceremony has been celebrated in our community for centuries.”
112TimewornShowing signs of wear and age, often in a charming way.“The timeworn bookshop had a nostalgic charm that drew visitors.”
113TolerantAccepting and open-minded towards differing beliefs and opinions.“A tolerant society values diversity and respects individual perspectives.”
114Top-notchOf the highest quality and excellence.“The restaurant is known for its top-notch cuisine and service.”
115TumultuousCharacterized by chaos, turbulence, or upheaval.“Their tumultuous relationship was marked by frequent arguments.”
116TurbulentChaotic, disorderly, and marked by unrest or disturbance.“The turbulent political climate led to protests and demonstrations.”
117TrustingInclined to believe and have confidence in others.“Her trusting nature made her susceptible to deception at times.”
118TrustworthyReliable, dependable, and deserving of trust and confidence.“He is known for his trustworthy nature and integrity in all his dealings.”
119TumultuousCharacterized by chaos, turbulence, or upheaval.“Their tumultuous relationship was marked by frequent arguments.”
120TransitoryBrief and passing, not permanent.“The transitory nature of youth should be cherished.”
121TriangularHaving three sides and three angles, forming a triangle.“The triangular-shaped park is a popular spot for picnics.”
122TranquilCalm, peaceful, and free from disturbance.“The tranquil garden provided a serene escape from the bustling city.”
123TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The impact of their charitable work was tangible in the community.”
124TotemicRelating to a symbol or emblem representing a group or culture.“The totemic animal held special significance in their tribal traditions.”
125TidalRelating to the rise and fall of the tides in the ocean.“The tidal patterns influenced the timing of the fishermen’s outings.”
126ThirstyEagerly desiring or craving something.“After the long hike, I felt thirsty for a cold drink.”
127TelepathicRelating to the transmission of thoughts or feelings without speaking.“In their close friendship, they often seemed telepathic, understanding each other’s thoughts.”
128TranscendentalRelating to a spiritual or abstract realm beyond the material world.“The transcendental meditation practice brought inner peace.”
129TranscontinentalCrossing or relating to multiple continents.“The transcontinental flight took passengers from New York to London.”
130TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden agendas.“The company’s transparent policies earned the trust of its customers.”
131TenaciousDetermined, persistent, and unwilling to give up easily.“Her tenacious spirit helped her overcome numerous challenges and achieve her goals.”
132ThrivingFlourishing and experiencing growth and success.“The thriving business expanded its operations to new markets.”
133TranquilCalm, peaceful, and free from disturbance.“The tranquil garden provided a serene escape from the bustling city.”
134TrustworthyReliable, dependable, and deserving of trust and confidence.“He is known for his trustworthy nature and integrity in all his dealings.”
135ThriftyEconomical and careful with money and resources.“Her thrifty habits allowed her to save a significant amount of money over the years.”
136Thought-provokingStimulating deep thoughts and contemplation.“The thought-provoking documentary challenged viewers to reconsider their beliefs.”
137TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden agendas.“The company’s transparent policies earned the trust of its customers.”
138TangentialOnly slightly related or diverging from the main topic.“The tangential discussion briefly touched on the subject of art.”
139TransgressiveViolating established norms or boundaries.“Her transgressive artwork challenged societal expectations.”
140TenaciousDetermined, persistent, and unwilling to give up easily.“Her tenacious spirit helped her overcome numerous challenges and achieve her goals.”
141TranslucentAllowing light to pass through but not transparent.“The frosted glass windows were translucent, providing privacy and diffused light.”
142TriangularHaving three sides and three angles, forming a triangle.“The triangular-shaped park is a popular spot for picnics.”
143Time-honoredRespected and upheld as a tradition for a long time.“The time-honored ceremony has been celebrated in our community for centuries.”
144ThrivingFlourishing and experiencing growth and success.“The thriving business expanded its operations to new markets.”
145TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden agendas.“The company’s transparent policies earned the trust of its customers.”
146TenaciousUnyielding, persistent, and determined in pursuit of goals.“His tenacious work ethic propelled him to success.”
147TransmutableCapable of being changed or transformed.“The transmutable nature of technology constantly reshapes our world.”
148TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The impact of their charitable work was tangible in the community.”
149TimelessEternal and not affected by the passage of time.“Classic literature often possesses a timeless quality that resonates with readers for generations.”
150TranquilCalm, peaceful, and free from disturbance.“The tranquil garden provided a serene escape from the bustling city.”
151ThematicRelating to or centered around a particular theme or subject.“The thematic elements in the novel explored the human condition.”
152Top-notchOf the highest quality and excellence.“The restaurant is known for its top-notch cuisine and service.”
153Thought-provokingStimulating deep thoughts and contemplation.“The thought-provoking documentary challenged viewers to reconsider their beliefs.”
154TangentialOnly slightly related or diverging from the main topic.“The tangential discussion briefly touched on the subject of art.”
155TrustingInclined to believe and have confidence in others.“Her trusting nature made her susceptible to deception at times.”
156TenebrousDark, shadowy, or obscure, often associated with mystery.“The tenebrous alleyway gave off an eerie vibe at night.”
157ThriftyEconomical and careful with money and resources.“Her thrifty habits allowed her to save a significant amount of money over the years.”
158ThunderousProducing a loud and powerful sound, like thunder.“The thunderous applause echoed through the concert hall.”
159TelepathicRelating to the transmission of thoughts or feelings without speaking.“In their close friendship, they often seemed telepathic, understanding each other’s thoughts.”
160TriangularHaving three sides and three angles, forming a triangle.“The triangular-shaped park is a popular spot for picnics.”
161TumultuousCharacterized by chaos, turbulence, or upheaval.“Their tumultuous relationship was marked by frequent arguments.”
162TurbulentChaotic, disorderly, and marked by unrest or disturbance.“The turbulent political climate led to protests and demonstrations.”
163TrustworthyReliable, dependable, and deserving of trust and confidence.“He is known for his trustworthy nature and integrity in all his dealings.”
164TranquilCalm, peaceful, and free from disturbance.“The tranquil garden provided a serene escape from the bustling city.”
165TangentialOnly slightly related or diverging from the main topic.“The tangential discussion briefly touched on the subject of art.”
166TransgressiveViolating established norms or boundaries.“Her transgressive artwork challenged societal expectations.”
167Top-notchOf the highest quality and excellence.“The restaurant is known for its top-notch cuisine and service.”
168TriumphantVictorious, successful, and achieving a great victory.“The team felt triumphant after winning the championship game.”
169TranscendentGoing beyond ordinary limits, surpassing excellence.“The artist’s work was transcendent, leaving a profound impact on viewers.”
170ThoughtfulConsiderate, attentive, and showing concern for others.“His thoughtful gesture of sending flowers brightened her day.”
171TimelyOccurring at the right or opportune moment.“His timely intervention prevented a disaster.”
172TrivialInsignificant, unimportant, and lacking in seriousness.“The argument was over a trivial matter and not worth the fuss.”
173TrepidaciousNervous, apprehensive, and filled with fear or anxiety.“She felt trepidacious before her first public speaking engagement.”
174TranquillizingCalming and soothing, reducing agitation or anxiety.“The tranquil music had a tranquillizing effect on the listeners.”
175TenuredHaving earned a permanent position, typically in academia.“After years of dedicated research, she finally became a tenured professor.”
176TerritorialRelated to a specific territory or region.“The territorial disputes between neighboring countries often lead to tension.”
177TolerantAccepting and open-minded towards differing beliefs and opinions.“A tolerant society values diversity and respects individual perspectives.”
178TotemicRelating to a symbol or emblem representing a group or culture.“The totemic animal held special significance in their tribal traditions.”
179ThrivingFlourishing and experiencing growth and success.“The thriving business expanded its operations to new markets.”
180TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden agendas.“The company’s transparent policies earned the trust of its customers.”
181TangyHaving a sharp, zesty, or pleasantly strong flavor.“The tangy sauce added a burst of flavor to the dish.”
182Time-savingEfficient and capable of saving time in a task or process.“The time-saving software streamlined their workflow.”
183TitanicEnormous, colossal, and of great magnitude.“The construction of the titanic skyscraper was a marvel of engineering.”
184TenderGentle, loving, and caring in one’s actions and behavior.“The tender embrace of a mother soothes a child’s worries.”
185TreasuredHighly valued and considered precious.“The antique necklace was a treasured family heirloom.”
186TremendousExtremely large, powerful, or significant.“The tremendous impact of the discovery revolutionized the field of science.”
187TranquilizingCalming and soothing, reducing agitation or anxiety.“The tranquilizing effects of nature can alleviate stress.”
188TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The only tangible thing he had was his watch”
189ThrivingFlourishing and experiencing growth and success.“The thriving business expanded its operations to new markets.”
190TenaciousUnyielding, persistent, and determined in pursuit of goals.“Her tenacious work ethic propelled her to success.”
191TransmutableCapable of being changed or transformed.“The transmutable nature of technology constantly reshapes our world.”
192TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The impact of their charitable work was tangible in the community.”
193TimelessEternal and not affected by the passage of time.“Classic literature often possesses a timeless quality that resonates with readers for generations.”
194TranquilCalm, peaceful, and free from disturbance.“The tranquil garden provided a serene escape from the bustling city.”
195ThematicRelating to or centered around a particular theme or subject.“The thematic elements in the novel explored the human condition.”
196Top-notchOf the highest quality and excellence.“The restaurant is known for its top-notch cuisine and service.”
197Thought-provokingStimulating deep thoughts and contemplation.“The thought-provoking documentary challenged viewers to reconsider their beliefs.”
198TangentialOnly slightly related or diverging from the main topic.“The tangential discussion briefly touched on the subject of art.”
199TrustingInclined to believe and have confidence in others.“Her trusting nature made her susceptible to deception at times.”
200TenebrousDark, shadowy, or obscure, often associated with mystery.“The tenebrous alleyway gave off an eerie vibe at night.”
201ThriftyEconomical and careful with money and resources.“Her thrifty habits allowed her to save a significant amount of money over the years.”
202ThunderousProducing a loud and powerful sound, like thunder.“The thunderous applause echoed through the concert hall.”
203TelepathicRelating to the transmission of thoughts or feelings without speaking.“In their close friendship, they often seemed telepathic, understanding each other’s thoughts.”
204TriangularHaving three sides and three angles, forming a triangle.“The triangular-shaped park is a popular spot for picnics.”
205TumultuousCharacterized by chaos, turbulence, or upheaval.“Their tumultuous relationship was marked by frequent arguments.”
206TurbulentChaotic, disorderly, and marked by unrest or disturbance.“The turbulent political climate led to protests and demonstrations.”
207TrustworthyReliable, dependable, and deserving of trust and confidence.“He is known for his trustworthy nature and integrity in all his dealings.”
208TranquilCalm, peaceful, and free from disturbance.“The tranquil garden provided a serene escape from the bustling city.”
209TangentialOnly slightly related or diverging from the main topic.“The tangential discussion briefly touched on the subject of art.”
210TransgressiveViolating established norms or boundaries.“Her transgressive artwork challenged societal expectations.”
211Top-notchOf the highest quality and excellence.“The restaurant is known for its top-notch cuisine and service.”
212TriumphantVictorious, successful, and achieving a great victory.“The team felt triumphant after winning the championship game.”
213TranscendentGoing beyond ordinary limits, surpassing excellence.“The artist’s work was transcendent, leaving a profound impact on viewers.”
214ThoughtfulConsiderate, attentive, and showing concern for others.“His thoughtful gesture of sending flowers brightened her day.”
215TimelyOccurring at the right or opportune moment.“His timely intervention prevented a disaster.”
216TrivialInsignificant, unimportant, and lacking in seriousness.“The argument was over a trivial matter and not worth the fuss.”
217TrepidaciousNervous, apprehensive, and filled with fear or anxiety.“She felt trepidacious before her first public speaking engagement.”
218TranquillizingCalming and soothing, reducing agitation or anxiety.“The tranquil music had a tranquillizing effect on the listeners.”
219TenuredHaving earned a permanent position, typically in academia.“After years of dedicated research, she finally became a tenured professor.”
220TerritorialRelated to a specific territory or region.“The territorial disputes between neighboring countries often lead to tension.”
221TolerantAccepting and open-minded towards differing beliefs and opinions.“A tolerant society values diversity and respects individual perspectives.”
222TotemicRelating to a symbol or emblem representing a group or culture.“The totemic animal held special significance in their tribal traditions.”
223ThrivingFlourishing and experiencing growth and success.“The thriving business expanded its operations to new markets.”
224TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden agendas.“The company’s transparent policies earned the trust of its customers.”
225TangyHaving a sharp, zesty, or pleasantly strong flavor.“The tangy sauce added a burst of flavor to the dish.”
226Time-savingEfficient and capable of saving time in a task or process.“The time-saving software streamlined their workflow.”
227TitanicEnormous, colossal, and of great magnitude.“The construction of the titanic skyscraper was a marvel of engineering.”
228TenderGentle, loving, and caring in one’s actions and behavior.“The tender embrace of a mother soothes a child’s worries.”
229TreasuredHighly valued and considered precious.“The antique necklace was a treasured family heirloom.”
230TremendousExtremely large, powerful, or significant.“The tremendous impact of the discovery revolutionized the field of science.”
231TranquilizingCalming and soothing, reducing agitation or anxiety.“The tranquilizing effects of nature can alleviate stress.”
232TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The tangible results of their hard work were evident to everyone.”
233ThoughtfulConsiderate, introspective, and reflecting on one’s actions.“His thoughtful apology demonstrated his sincerity and regret.”
234TemperamentalProne to mood swings and changes in temperament.“The artist was known to be temperamental, often experiencing creative highs and lows.”
235TranstemporalExisting or occurring across different periods of time.“The historian’s study of transtemporal trends shed light on long-term societal changes.”
236TactileRelating to the sense of touch or tangible qualities.“The tactile experience of running one’s fingers through sand is soothing.”
237TrustingInclined to believe and have confidence in others.“Her trusting nature made her susceptible to deception at times.”
238TintedHaving a slight coloration or shading.“The tinted sunglasses protected his eyes from the bright sun.”
239TransatlanticRelating to or crossing the Atlantic Ocean.“The transatlantic flight connected New York and London.”
240TimidShy, hesitant, and lacking in self-confidence.“The timid child gradually gained confidence through encouragement.”
241TactfulDiplomatic, considerate, and skillful in handling delicate situations.“Her tactful response diffused the tense conversation.”
242TepidLukewarm or showing little enthusiasm or passion.“The tepid response to the proposal indicated a lack of interest.”
243TantalizingTempting and alluring, arousing desire or curiosity.“The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air.”
244TranseptRelating to the transverse arm of a cruciform church.“The grand transept of the cathedral featured stunning stained glass windows.”
245TriennialOccurring every three years or lasting for three years.“The triennial event attracted participants from around the world.”
246TrenchantSharp, incisive, and effectively cutting through complexities.“Her trenchant analysis of the issue revealed its underlying problems.”
247TimorousTimid, fearful, and lacking in confidence or boldness.“His timorous nature made it difficult for him to speak in public.”
248TransientTemporary and passing, not lasting for a long time.“The beauty of cherry blossoms is transient, lasting only a few weeks.”
249TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The tangible results of their hard work were evident to everyone.”
250TonalRelating to tone, particularly in music or color.“The tonal variations in the painting created a dynamic visual effect.”
251TorrentialPouring down in a rapid and heavy flow, often referring to rain.“The torrential rain flooded the streets within minutes.”
252TranspacificRelating to or crossing the Pacific Ocean.“The transpacific voyage took them from Asia to the Americas.”
253TheoreticalBased on theory or abstract principles rather than practical experience.“His theoretical approach to physics led to groundbreaking discoveries.”
254ThematicRelating to or centered around a particular theme or subject.“The thematic elements in the novel explored the human condition.”
255TenebrousDark, shadowy, or obscure, often associated with mystery.“The tenebrous alleyway gave off an eerie vibe at night.”
256TurbulentChaotic, disorderly, and marked by unrest or disturbance.“The turbulent political climate led to protests and demonstrations.”
257TrustworthyReliable, dependable, and deserving of trust and confidence.“He is known for his trustworthy nature and integrity in all his dealings.”
258TranquillizingCalming and soothing, reducing agitation or anxiety.“The tranquilizing effects of nature can alleviate stress.”
259TenuredHaving earned a permanent position, typically in academia.“After years of dedicated research, she finally became a tenured professor.”
260TolerantAccepting and open-minded towards differing beliefs and opinions.“A tolerant society values diversity and respects individual perspectives.”
261TotemicRelating to a symbol or emblem representing a group or culture.“The totemic animal held special significance in their tribal traditions.”
262ThrivingFlourishing and experiencing growth and success.“The thriving business expanded its operations to new markets.”
263TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden agendas.“The company’s transparent policies earned the trust of its customers.”
264TangyHaving a sharp, zesty, or pleasantly strong flavor.“The tangy sauce added a burst of flavor to the dish.”
265Time-savingEfficient and capable of saving time in a task or process.“The time-saving software streamlined their workflow.”
266TitanicEnormous, colossal, and of great magnitude.“The construction of the titanic skyscraper was a marvel of engineering.”
267TenderGentle, loving, and caring in one’s actions and behavior.“The tender embrace of a mother soothes a child’s worries.”
268TreasuredHighly valued and considered precious.“The antique necklace was a treasured family heirloom.”
269TremendousExtremely large, powerful, or significant.“The tremendous impact of the discovery revolutionized the field of science.”
270TranquilizingCalming and soothing, reducing agitation or anxiety.“The tranquilizing effects of nature can alleviate stress.”
271TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The tangible results of their hard work were evident to everyone.”
272ThoughtfulConsiderate, introspective, and reflecting on one’s actions.“His thoughtful apology demonstrated his sincerity and regret.”
273TemperamentalProne to mood swings and changes in temperament.“The artist was known to be temperamental, often experiencing creative highs and lows.”
274TranstemporalExisting or occurring across different periods of time.“The historian’s study of transtemporal trends shed light on long-term societal changes.”
275TactileRelating to the sense of touch or tangible qualities.“The tactile experience of running one’s fingers through sand is soothing.”
276TrustingInclined to believe and have confidence in others.“Her trusting nature made her susceptible to deception at times.”
277TintedHaving a slight coloration or shading.“The tinted sunglasses protected his eyes from the bright sun.”
278TransatlanticRelating to or crossing the Atlantic Ocean.“The transatlantic voyage took them from Asia to the Americas.”
279TimidShy, hesitant, and lacking in self-confidence.“The timid child gradually gained confidence through encouragement.”
280TrepidaciousNervous, apprehensive, and filled with fear or anxiety.“She felt trepidacious before her first public speaking engagement.”
281TranquillizingCalming and soothing, reducing agitation or anxiety.“The tranquil music had a tranquillizing effect on the listeners.”
282TenuredHaving earned a permanent position, typically in academia.“After years of dedicated research, she finally became a tenured professor.”
283TerritorialRelated to a specific territory or region.“The territorial disputes between neighboring countries often lead to tension.”
284TolerantAccepting and open-minded towards differing beliefs and opinions.“A tolerant society values diversity and respects individual perspectives.”
285TotemicRelating to a symbol or emblem representing a group or culture.“The totemic animal held special significance in their tribal traditions.”
286ThrivingFlourishing and experiencing growth and success.“The thriving business expanded its operations to new markets.”
287TransparentClear and easily understood, without hidden agendas.“The company’s transparent policies earned the trust of its customers.”
288TangyHaving a sharp, zesty, or pleasantly strong flavor.“The tangy sauce added a burst of flavor to the dish.”
289Time-savingEfficient and capable of saving time in a task or process.“The time-saving software streamlined their workflow.”
290TitanicEnormous, colossal, and of great magnitude.“The construction of the titanic skyscraper was a marvel of engineering.”
291TenderGentle, loving, and caring in one’s actions and behavior.“The tender embrace of a mother soothes a child’s worries.”
292TreasuredHighly valued and considered precious.“The antique necklace was a treasured family heirloom.”
293TremendousExtremely large, powerful, or significant.“The tremendous impact of the discovery revolutionized the field of science.”
294TranquilizingCalming and soothing, reducing agitation or anxiety.“The tranquilizing effects of nature can alleviate stress.”
295TangiblePerceptible and capable of being touched or felt.“The tangible results of their hard work were evident to everyone.”
296ThoughtfulConsiderate, introspective, and reflecting on one’s actions.“His thoughtful apology demonstrated his sincerity and regret.”
297TemperamentalProne to mood swings and changes in temperament.“The artist was known to be temperamental, often experiencing creative highs and lows.”
298TranstemporalExisting or occurring across different periods of time.“The historian’s study of transtemporal trends shed light on long-term societal changes.”
299TactileRelating to the sense of touch or tangible qualities.“The tactile experience of running one’s fingers through sand is soothing.”
300TrustingInclined to believe and have confidence in others.“Her trusting nature made her susceptible to deception at times.”
301ThoroughComplete, detailed, and exhaustive in examination or execution.“He conducted a thorough investigation into the matter.”
302TailoredCustomized and designed to fit a specific need or purpose.“The tailored suit was made to fit him perfectly.”
303TranscendentalBeyond ordinary human experience, often associated with spiritual or philosophical realms.“The transcendental meditation practice brought a sense of peace and enlightenment.”
304TranslucentAllowing light to pass through, but not completely transparent.“The curtains were made of translucent fabric, diffusing the sunlight.”
305TragicMarked by sorrow, sadness, and often a disastrous outcome.“The tragic loss of a loved one deeply affected the family.”
306TheatricalDramatic, exaggerated, or relating to the theater.“Her theatrical performance captivated the audience.”
307ThriftyEconomical and careful with money and resources.“Her thrifty habits allowed her to save a significant amount of money over the years.”
308TenaciousUnyielding, persistent, and determined in pursuit of goals.“Her tenacious work ethic propelled her to success.”
309TenderheartedCompassionate and sensitive, easily moved by the suffering of others.“She had a tenderhearted nature, always willing to help those in need.”
310TransoceanicCrossing or relating to multiple oceans.“The transoceanic voyage took them from the Atlantic to the Pacific.”
311TorridIntensely hot, passionate, or emotionally charged.“Their torrid romance burned with intensity.”
312TremulousShaking or trembling, often due to fear or nervousness.“Her voice was tremulous as she spoke in front of the large audience.”
313TransformativeBringing about significant change or transformation.“The transformative power of education can uplift entire communities.”
314TimelyOccurring at the right or opportune moment.“His timely intervention prevented a disaster.”
315TonalRelating to tone, particularly in music or color.“The tonal variations in the painting created a dynamic visual effect.”
316TorrentialPouring down in a rapid and heavy flow, often referring to rain.“The torrential rain flooded the streets within minutes.”
317TranspacificRelating to or crossing the Pacific Ocean.“The transpacific voyage took them from Asia to the Americas.”
318TheoreticalBased on theory or abstract principles rather than practical experience.“His theoretical approach to physics led to groundbreaking discoveries.”
319TurquoiseHaving a blue-green color, reminiscent of a gemstone.“The turquoise waters of the Caribbean were breathtaking.”
320TelepathicRelating to the transmission of thoughts or feelings without speaking.“In their close friendship, they often seemed telepathic, understanding each other’s thoughts.”
321TumultuousCharacterized by chaos, turbulence, or upheaval.“Their tumultuous relationship was marked by frequent arguments.”
322TranscendentGoing beyond ordinary limits, surpassing excellence.“The artist’s work was transcendent, leaving a profound impact on viewers.”
323TangyHaving a sharp, zesty, or pleasantly strong flavor.“The tangy sauce added a burst of flavor to the dish.”
324TexturedHaving a tactile surface with patterns or irregularities.“The textured wallpaper added depth and character to the room.”
325TranquilizingCalming and soothing, reducing agitation or anxiety.“The tranquilizing effects of nature can alleviate stress.”
326TangentialOnly slightly related or diverging from the main topic.“The tangential discussion briefly touched on the subject of art.”
327TokenSymbolic or representing a small part of something larger.“The gift was a token of appreciation for her hard work.”
328TactileRelating to the sense of touch or tangible qualities.“The tactile experience of running one’s fingers through sand is soothing.”
329ThrilledFilled with great excitement, joy, or delight.“She was thrilled to receive the award for her outstanding achievements.”
330TrenchantSharp, incisive, and effectively cutting through complexities.“Her trenchant analysis of the issue revealed its underlying problems.”
331TheoreticalBased on theory or abstract principles rather than practical experience.“His theoretical approach to physics led to groundbreaking discoveries.”
332TameGentle, docile, and not wild or aggressive.“The tame pet rabbit was friendly and approachable.”
333TestyEasily irritated or annoyed, often in a short-tempered manner.“His testy response indicated his frustration.”
334TokenSymbolic or representing a small part of something larger.“The gift was a token of appreciation for her hard work.”
335TepidLukewarm or showing little enthusiasm or passion.“The tepid response to the proposal indicated a lack of interest.”
336TranslucentAllowing light to pass through, but not completely transparent.“The curtains were made of translucent fabric, diffusing the sunlight.”
337TragicMarked by sorrow, sadness, and often a disastrous outcome.“The tragic loss of a loved one deeply affected the family.”
338TheatricalDramatic, exaggerated, or relating to the theater.“Her theatrical performance captivated the audience.”
339ThriftyEconomical and careful with money and resources.“Her thrifty habits allowed her to save a significant amount of money over the years.”
340TenaciousUnyielding, persistent, and determined in pursuit of goals.“Her tenacious work ethic propelled her to success.”
341TenderheartedCompassionate and sensitive, easily moved by the suffering of others.“She had a tenderhearted nature, always willing to help those in need.”
342TransoceanicCrossing or relating to multiple oceans.“The transoceanic voyage took them from the Atlantic to the Pacific.”
343TorridIntensely hot, passionate, or emotionally charged.“Their torrid romance burned with intensity.”
344TremulousShaking or trembling, often due to fear or nervousness.“Her voice was tremulous as she spoke in front of the large audience.”
345TransformativeBringing about significant change or transformation.“The transformative power of education can uplift entire communities.”
346TimelyOccurring at the right or opportune moment.“His timely intervention prevented a disaster.”
347TonalRelating to tone, particularly in music or color.“The tonal variations in the painting created a dynamic visual effect.”
348TorrentialPouring down in a rapid and heavy flow, often referring to rain.“The torrential rain flooded the streets within minutes.”
349TranspacificRelating to or crossing the Pacific Ocean.“The transpacific voyage took them from Asia to the Americas.”
350TheoreticalBased on theory or abstract principles rather than practical experience.“His theoretical approach to physics led to groundbreaking discoveries.”


That concludes the list of the 389 adjectives starting with T. We hope you enjoyed reading the article and also hope you learnt new words. Feel free to go through our website for more content like this.

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