5 mind-blowing social media challenge for the environment

Climate Real Talk Team

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#trashtag challenge

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used to do some really great things. It has made it easier for us to connect with other people, but what does that mean for our planet? Social media challenge for the environment are those hashtag challenge that is likely to help us protect our environment.

You could be wondering about the connection between social media and our environment. Let’s take a look at some of the social media challenges that are likely to help protect our environment if we practice them.

Social Media Challenge For The Environment

Here are 5 of the best social media challenges for the environment:

1. #Trashtag challenge

Just as the name implies, this social media challenge has to do with clearing litter in our environment and sharing it on social media. The #Trashtag Project was initially launched in 2015 by UCO Gear, a US company that sells outdoor recreation equipment. 

It gained attraction after Facebook user Byron Román posted a before and after image of a space he cleaned up, encouraging “bored teens” to “take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance, then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it.” 

It’s no longer just young individuals that participate in the #Trashtag challenge as older individuals have joined in on it.

2. #Plant a tree

plant a tree challenge

2,400 trees are cut down each minute. By the time you finish reading this sentence, another three hectares of forest would have been cut down.

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This initiative was started by American YouTubers MrBeast and Mark Rober and was mostly supported by other YouTubers. On May 24, 2019, a supporter on Reddit suggested that MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson) plant 20 million trees as a way to celebrate reaching 20 million YouTube followers.

On October 25, 2019, Donaldson posted a YouTube video revealing his plan. This video quickly rose to the top of YouTube’s trending page and inspired many other YouTubers to join the campaign.

The concept gained traction on Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube largely through memes.

This social media challenge has impacted our environment as planting trees has lots of benefits like producing oxygen, serving as a shelter for wildlife, and improving temperatures.

3. #PlasticFree Challenge

Plastic Free Challenge

Since plastics take thousands of years to decompose, every piece of them could last almost forever. Plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems we face as humans. The Plastic Free Challenge aims to show the world that we don’t absolutely need to rely on disposable plastic.

The Plastic Free Challenge is designed to create awareness and promote solutions to plastic pollution. The PFC social media campaign was launched on the 22nd of April 2016. The main goal of this challenge is to reduce single-use plastic every day at home, work, school, and even at your local cafe.  

To be a part of this challenge, just make a video of you reusing a plastic water bottle or any plastic around you and upload it with the hashtag #PlasticFreeChallenge. 

4. #20,000 steps challenge

This challenge is not yet on social media but the aim of this challenge is to reduce the amount of carbon footprint we generate by our actions on a daily basis. In the United States, the average carbon footprint for a person is 16 tons and this is the highest number in the world.

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Reducing individual carbon print from 16 tons to 2 tons doesn’t happen suddenly. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can start a big difference.

This challenge involves taking 20,000 steps at least 3 times a week. You could take these steps on your way to work or back from work. This has obvious health benefits.

5. #Earth Hour Challenge

Earth hour is a social media challenge for the environment that aims at awareness and actions to protect the environment. Earth hour, started in 2007 and is now organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The Earth Hour Challenge was created to encourage people to switch off their lights during the hour between 8.30 pm and 9.30 pm in their local time. 

It’s a fun challenge for the environment because you’ll get to know how much energy you waste by switching your lights off for an hour and will likely reduce that amount every day even when Earth Hour is not around.


social media challenges can make a big difference. This is not the only way to help protect our environment but it’s definitely an effective way of doing so.

Feel free to add your own challenge and try out any of these challenges if you’ve never done one.

See also Why Carpooling is Good for the Environment

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