Eco-Friendly Products That Will Replace Plastic

Climate Real Talk Team

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With the harmful effects of plastic becoming more and more apparent, it’s time to think about replacing this material with something less toxic. Today, we’ll be taking a look at some eco-friendly products that are made from sustainable products

According to the United Nations, 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans each year. This has reached a global crisis level with forecasts estimating that by 2050, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish.

Plastics are one of the pillars of modern technological society today because they are resilient, flexible, durable, corrosion-resistant, and appear to have unlimited use. There are plastic items all around us, from the grocery store milk containers, soda bottles and food containers to the kitchen surfaces and linings of our cooking pans. In fact, plastics have become an important building material as they can be found everywhere around us.

The fact that we produce so much plastic and discard it so much has a significant negative effect on our dependence on it. If you want to avoid the problems associated with disposable plastic on the environment, this article will provide a list of eco-friendly products that will replace those harmful disposables.

Here is a list of some eco-friendly items that can replace plastic and reduce its negative impact on our environment.

Eco-friendly Products that will replace plastic

1. Natural Fibers

Fabrics made of organic cotton, hemp, and jute can be used in place of synthetic materials. These materials last longer than synthetic materials that are so easily accessible. In addition, natural fibres are incredibly comfortable and kind on the skin. When they are entirely worn out, clothes made of these materials can be recycled and they decay easily.

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2. Glass

Eco-friendly Glass for food storage

In times past, Moms and milkmen used to store milk in glass bottles. You’ll probably notice a lot of plastic in your kitchen now—water bottles, soda bottles, and food storage containers.

Going back in time is a good thing because, unlike plastics which are made from petroleum, glass is made from sand which simply means that this product is not harmful as it does not contain chemicals that leach onto our bodies and food.

Be sure to note that glass may break if dropped but can not melt when in contact with heat like plastic. Glass containers can be used in the microwave provided it is labelled “microwave safe”. They are also 100% recyclable.

3. Clay and Ceramics

Given that so many kitchen tools are made of clay and ceramic, this is another healthy substitute for plastic that you can simply make. Ceramics are a little more difficult to find and mostly they are free from harmful chemicals.

4. Silicone

Flexible silicone is a substance that can be used in both food and medicine. Silicone is also used to make menstrual cups. These days, silicone is used in many culinary items since it can withstand heat to some level.

You can make your kitchenware from silicone and even eat food using silicone utensils. 

5. Beeswax

Beeswax has the ability to resist water. Beeswax-coated cloths are very common these days because they can be used as an alternative to cling film, a very thin plastic wrap used to keep food safe. Fabric with a beeswax coating is simple to use and simple to maintain.

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6. Wood and Bamboo

Eco-friendly Bamboo toothbrush

We merely need to start using these two materials again because they have been there for a very long time. Bamboo is an easily grown plant, and bamboo toothbrushes and straws help reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and the ocean.

We should also say no to the use of plastic cotton swabs and switch to 100% compostable bamboo cotton swabs. However, bamboo itself can not be recycled as it has very little lignin content which makes it difficult to break down. Bamboo is also less toxic to the environment.


The fact that we use so much plastic has had a negative effect on our environment as well. The use of eco-friendly products like the ones mentioned above can replace plastic. This can reduce the amount of waste that is produced and reduce the negative effects that plastics have on mankind.

See also Innovative Sustainable Products

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6 thoughts on “Eco-Friendly Products That Will Replace Plastic”

  1. Nice one, i believe the article could go indept on how we can transform these naturally occurring materials into the finished products. Good job 👍


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